Client Representation - Custom Homes
As Real Estate Consultants and Counselors, DCI Realty Group is unique in its approach to providing homebuyers with much needed services to research and build custom residences that truly reflect their needs, lifestyle, value and enduring quality. We build a bridge between you the Homebuyer and the Building Company, providing valuable expertise and a consistent communication process that ensures both cost effective construction and a positive “peace-of-mind” building experience.
Our services cover everything from brokering the site and selecting a builder, to pre-construction planning, construction management and delivery of your new home.
If you are planning to build a Custom Home and are not sure where or with whom to get started, or if you are presently in the process of building that Dream Home and need further assistance in obtaining information on new products, understanding your specs and features, keeping abreast of the construction process….let us help you make the right decision. We work to insure that the investment you’ve made in your new home is safeguarded.
We are confident our services will not only help you save time and money, but relieve the stress and frustration that often accompanies the building process. Our fee structure is flexible and can be designed to fit your individual needs.
• With an emphasis on the “Total Design/Build Solution”, DCI Realty Group provides the following services to assist our clients in realizing their vision:
Builder Selection
Architectural Design Planning
Pre-Construction Planning
Color & Material Selection
Construction Management
Pool Design
Landscap Landscape Planning
Warranty Assessment
Closing and Delivery
• Whatever the size and scope of the job, DCI Realty Group handles each with the same degree of enthusiasm, attention to detail, creativity and professionalism. Of all the professional services we offer, the most important is our ability to listen. This enables our services to become a true reflection of our client’s goals.

Phase I - Builder Selection Process: Selecting the right building company is just as important as selecting the right plan for your new home. The process takes careful planning, research and meticulous attention to detail. DCI Realty Group offers the following services to individual property owners that are building a custom home:
• Builder Organization & References: Research, interview, screen and make recommendations to Client on Contractor’s License Status, Business Organization, Business Activity, Customer References, Sub-contractor/vendor References, Lending References, Superintendent(s) and a List of primary Vendors and Subcontractors.
• Builder Product: Provide Client with Photographs of contractor’s construction projects both completed and in-progress.
• Cost: Secure a Cost-to-Construct Quote for Client’s Residence. Quote to be based on “retail” pricing and/or “cost plus”, based on contractors standard operating procedure.
Review, analyze and break down Quote for Client
Is quote realistic and within industry standards
Assist Client in Contract Price/Feature Negotiations with contractor.
• Features and Specifications: Review, analyze and make recommendations on contractor’s assigned Features and Specifications. We will aid you in understanding the terminology and negotiating specs and features that are important to you.
• Building Agreement: Review, analyze and make recommendations on contractor’s Building Agreement, Change Order Process, Operating Procedures and Warranty. We will advise you on omissions and/or modifications that will protect your interests and still be acceptable to most building companies.
• Sub-Agreements: Review, analyze and make recommendations on contractor’s Sub-Agreements and Quality of Sub-contractors.
• Contract Execution: Assist Client in understanding and executing Contract Documents with contractor. We will explain the relevance of all supporting documents.
Phase II - Pre-Construction Planning: We advise you to spend a great deal of time in pre-construction planning to insure that both your plan and features are represented in the blue print. The “Red Line” process is critical to avoiding costly mistakes during construction and controlling your cost.
• Site Evaluation; Assist Client in Site Evaluation for Fill, Clearing and type of Construction: Monolithic Slab or Stemwall. We will point out drainage concerns and facilitate soil tests.
• Home Design: Assist Client in selecting a plan that suits their lifestyle and function, as well as appreciates in value based on industry design standards and marketability. We will advise you on the latest design trends and technological advances in the industry.
• Plan Review and “Red-line”: Assist Client in the Plan Review and “Red-Line” Process. Making changes during design is prudent and less costly in the long run. Most builders tend to “get you on paper and worry about it later”…this could get very costly. Prices for options are much more reasonable prior to bid and construction.
• Product Research: Provide Client with up-to-date information on Product Research and Availability. What’s In and What’s Not. Technological advances in the building industry are clearly evident in better construction techniques, better quality and longer lasting product.
• Options and Extras: Assist Client in a comprehensive Walk Through Builder’s Model to determine Standard Items vs. Options and Extras. We will advise you on both form and function.
• Landscape Plan: Assist Client in the selection of a Landscape Planner/Architect. Review, analyze and make recommendation on Landscape Plan and Plant Material vis-à-vis contractors contribution and/or responsibility.
• Pool Plan: Assist Client in the selection of a Pool Contractor. Review, analyze and make recommendations on Pool Design, Specs & Features, and functionality.
Assist Client in evaluating cost of Pool, Time Line for construction and Warranty.
• ARB Application & Permit Process: Assist Client in the Architectural Review Process and understanding the Building Permit Application process. We will assist you in facilitating this process, especially if you have committed a sizeable deposit to your builder.
Phase III - Color and Material Selection: It is extremely important that you be given the opportunity to physically see samples of the features outlined in your builder Specs and Features. In doing so you will alleviate any misunderstanding as to what you think you are getting. The selection of colors and materials, either at a builder Design Center or at builder designated vendor showrooms, can be both overwhelming and frustrating. Careful planning and organization is critical in making the desired selections in a timely manner, both for your peace of mind and to avoid delay and additional cost.
• Orientation: Assist Client in Orientation to Color and Material Selection Process
Guide and advise Client through Entire Selection Process
Provide Client with “Alternative” Choices to Builder Selection
Provide Client with Product Research Information when needed.
Introduce “New Technology” items where and when it is relevant
Assist Client in understanding the “flexibility” of the process and how changes can be made after the “completion” of the Selection Process
Provide Client with a sub-divided binder to assist in the selection process and advise on the maintenance and use of the binder as a quick reference aid in the decision making process. *Requires additional fee for binder.
Phase IV - Construction Management: Time is money and delays in the construction industry can rapidly translate to additional cost. Therefore, it is imperative that your builder have systems in place to handle construction supervision and the allocation of human resource, on your project. Again, the “difference is in the details” and attention to detail, on your part, is crucial to the success of your project.
• Pre-Construction Meeting: Assist Client in coordinating a pre-construction meeting to understand the construction process and timeline. Meet the builder’s superintendent assigned to the project and establish a rapport and method of communication during construction. Discuss critical inspections during construction.
• Site Conditions: Assist Client in Site Clearing Meeting and Fill determination based on City/County Building Codes and Flood Elevations.
• Construction Schedule: Assist Client in obtaining a Construction Schedule and understanding the various phases of construction as they relate to the estimated construction time line.
Provide Client with periodic reports on construction progress complete with photographs.
• Certified Inspections: Provide Client, upon request, with an independent inspection report from a licensed contractor, at the completion of major phases of construction and prior to disbursement of Draw to contractor *Requires additional fee.
• Construction Lien Law: Provide Client with information on the Construction Lien Law and assist Client in understanding the Notice-to-Owner process.
• Changes During Construction: Advise Client on the Change Order Process and indicate fair market price on standard changes. Is your builder charging you a Change Order Fee? Is your builder legally obligated to accommodate your Changes? We will advise you as to when to make changes and how to minimize your cost.
• Draw Payment Process: Assist Client in understanding the Draw Disbursement Schedule and knowing when to release or authorize a draw.
• Electrical Walk-Through: Assist Client in a comprehensive Electrical Walk-through with contractor.
Assist client in elec. placement, phone, computer, audio, video, home automation needs.
Ensure capacity and accurate placement of A/C System, Plumbing Rough-In, Fireplace, Security System, Central Vacuum etc...
Complete evaluation of interior framing.
• Drywall Walk-Through: Assist Client in a comprehensive Drywall Walk-Through with contractor.
• Mechanicals: Assist Client in reviewing Air Conditioning and Heat Capacity
Assist Client in obtaining an independent energy efficiency report
Advise Client on how to make their home more energy efficient.
• Landscape Installation and Driveway Plan: Assist Client in a comprehensive Review of Landscape Installation & Driveway Location
• Pool Contract/Construction: Assist Client in review of comprehensive Pool Layout, Dig, Steel, Tile, Deck, Plumbing, Screen Enclosure installation, Interior Finish, Fire-up, Instruction on the use of the Pool and Warranty.
Assist Client in understanding site conditions and need for fill or retaining wall, if necessary
Assist Client in selection of construction specs, equipment and options
Assist Client in monitoring pool construction progress and quality control.
Assist and advise client on Pool Draw Disbursements and Lien Releases
Assist Client in obtaining Final Pool Inspection from pool contractor and County.
Assist Client in obtaining Pool Contractors Affidavit of NO LIEN.
Phase V - Closing and Delivery: You’ve made it! It’s probably been almost (18) months to (2) years, and then some, but your new home is now near completion. Prior to signing off and taking occupation, you need to formulate a check list and carefully prepare for a series of important steps.
• Final Walk-Through: Assist Client in comprehensive Final Walk-Through and Punch List. Walk-through to be conducted with room-by-room (15 - 20) page check- list. We will show you what to look for and how to remedy the problem. This is your last “leveraged” opportunity to make sure the builder has complied with the contract and delivered the residence you paid for.
• Certificate-of-Occupation: Assist Client in understanding the application for a Certificate of Occupation with the County and Builder Final Inspection. When can you legally take possession of your home? We will advise you on the process.
• Transfer Utilities: Assist Client in the transfer of utilities, obtain Homestead Exemption, obtain Home Owner Insurance, and Driver’s License, Voter Registration Information.
• Builder Warranty: Assist Client in understanding the Builder Warranty, Builder Obligations during First Year of Warranty and how to make a warranty request/claim. Do builder “extended” warranties really hold water? We will give you the inside scoop.
• Closing Process: Assist Client in executing Lender Documents required for modification of Loan from construction to permanent.
Assist Client in Final Closing and Delivery with contractor.
The builder wants the Final Payment. What are your rights? And how and when should you release payment?
• Contractor’s Final Affidavit of No Lien: Assist Client in obtaining all necessary documentation, including but not limited to Contractor’s Affidavit of NO LIEN. Advise you on how to protect yourself in the event a vendor or sub-contractor has not been paid and files a lien. The Mechanics Lien Law in Florida protects the vendor and subcontractor.
• Escrow Agreement: Assist Client in establishing Escrow Agreement and “Hold Back” for incomplete items, if same should prove necessary. We will advise you on how you can protect your interests and insure that the contractor will address “punch out” items on a timely basis. Systems Orientation: Assist Client in a Systems Orientation with contractor’s Major Sub-contractors for the operation of all major systems in home.
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